Mission Statement:
While native plants and meadow installations are fashionable — and important — at Mill Fleurs we are trying to stretch horticultural and zonal boundaries by planting every possible species of any genus we can grow. This is a conscious effort to acknowledge the rapid and violent daily loss of plant species around the planet because of habitat degradation, climate change, and the survival needs of the peoples who inhabit these places.
Embolden the visitor to try something new. Share our collection of the weird and the wonderful. Document our experiments controlling slugs, invasive earth worms, erosion etc., and publish our discoveries and inventions. Push the envelope in design. Seek out ever-new plants to add to our collections.
Garden Description:
The Gardens at Mill Fleurs are collection gardens, but primarily they are an experience. Personal and unique — as is every garden — Mill Fleurs definitely qualifies as an “eccentric American garden.”
We are fortunate that our stream-side site, featuring massive rock outcroppings and steep woodland slopes, is magnificent all on its own. Into this challenging grade, we have shoe-horned all the shade plants we can secure. And keep alive.
The design objective of Mill Fleurs is two-fold: to bring cohesiveness to our extensive plant collection by grouping according to genus, color family or topic; and to present plant groups in a way that will engage even the casual viewer.
Tiffany Perennials, our growing retail nursery, offers selections billed as ”Really, Really Rare Species, Interesting Natives, and Fancy Weeds!” In support of the preservation of biodiversity we trial and share plants from around the globe.
We welcome your visit.